Welcome to the High Touch® Jin Shin Network in the United Kingdom.
Jin Shin means “to know oneself” in Japanese and is an ancient healing art which is believed to be at least 5,000 years old. It is a form of acupressure and many therapies, like acupuncture and shiatsu, are thought to be based on its teachings. It is gentle and non-invasive, suitable for all age groups, degrees of health and physical ability.
There are 26 bi-lateral points on the body where there are energy release points which pulsate and act like circuit breakers. By gently touching two of these points together with the fingertips it ‘jump starts’ the fuses, releasing the blocks of energy, encouraging the body to heal itself. It is when these points are blocked that the body cannot nourish itself and eventually that may result in dis-ease.
Self-Help one-day courses are run regularly. Included in the course fee is a pocket-sized booklet indexing over 100 common ailments that can be helped by High Touch® Jin Shin. For further information on which Practitioners run these Self Help one-day courses, please go to the Courses page.
To go straight to those areas of most interest, please use the buttons on the heading or click on the subject headings below.
About - The history of Jin Shin.
The Network - The Network of Practitioners using High Touch® Jin Shin.
Practitioners - To find a practitioner
Treatments - To find out more about the various types of treatment.
Courses - To find One-day Self-Help course trainers. They are run regularly by a number of practitioners.
Self Help - To try some Jin Shin on yourself.
Contact -Please contact your nearest practitioner (see Practitioner page) if you require any further information.